CRYPTOSIS - The Silent Call

December 29, 2023, a year ago

(Century Media)

Nick Balazs

Rating: 7.5

review heavy metal cryptosis

CRYPTOSIS - The Silent Call

Really enjoyed the full-length debut, Bionic Swarm, from the Dutch trio and this new EP serves as nice taster for what’s to come for Cryptosis. The Silent Call EP features two new tracks plus two live cuts recorded in Athens, Greece.

Opener and title track showcases black metal elements plus the use of keys – unexpected, but it works as the trio wraps thrashing rhythms and a harsh atmosphere around it which makes it a scorcher of a track – a sci-fi blackened thrasher. “Master Of Life” is more traditional in context although and they really capture that methodical intensity of early Megadeth and sci-fi eeriness of Voivod – catchy yet possesses technical prowess.

The two live tracks – “Prospect Of Immortality” and “Transcendence” – are both taken from the 2021 full-length debut Bionic Swarm and replicates the high-pitched, manic vocals and tight musicianship from the studio to the stage. The former has this stalking, Terminator-esque vibe to it while “Transcendence” is thundering speed with tricky drumming.

Interested to see where these guys go – highly entertaining and looking forward to album number two.

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