WIRED ANXIETY - The Delirium Of Negation

October 4, 2016, 7 years ago

(Transcending Obscurity)

Greg Pratt

Rating: 7.0

review black death wired anxiety

WIRED ANXIETY - The Delirium Of Negation

Second EP here from Indian death metallers Wired Anxiety, and the professionalism is noted right off the bat, the production huge and pristine, the tightness that the band demonstrates impressive, everything sounding like the work of vets already. The tunes skirt between a more traditional, Suffocation-esque death metal sound, and a more modern, groove-laden take on death metal, good like Aborted when they're not being frustratingly dull. “Heavily Sedated” brings a bit of Obituary sludge to things, and it's another sound this band has nailed down, as they do with grinding death (see same song), technical flourishes done with class (“Severe Comorbidity”), and pretty much anything else they touch. 

I'm not sold on them having personality though: there's no way I could tell this apart from countless other bands doing a similar thing, and I'm left wondering how they'd manage to keep my interest for a full-length; this 17-minute EP is perfect, but unless the band pulls out more ebbs and flows, 40 minutes would be pushing it. Still, this EP shows they have the skills to do it should they put the effort into it, and it shows tons of promise for Wired Anxiety's future.

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