DAVE NAVARRO - New Spread Radio Live Q&A Session Available, New Camp Freddy Radio Podcast Online

November 28, 2006, 17 years ago

hot flashes news dave navarro

THE PANIC CHANNEL guitarist Dave Navarro has issued the following answers to some questions posed during his weekly Spread Radio Live Q&A; session:

Q: I've heard and seen ads that announce the band as Dave Navarro and The Panic Channel, or something to that effect. Does that ever bother you?

Navarro: "The only time I have seen that was for the XFANS show and that was a situation where they asked me to be involved and I invited the band to do it with me. Of course I would rather it just be The Panic Channel but then again, we are always grateful to get the opportunity to play no matter how it comes about."

Q: Do you know what's going on with the contest from thepanicchannel.tv? Is Capitol going to screw us again?

Navarro: "When I asked this question to my Magic 8-Ball it said, 'Concentrate and ask again.' So, I regrouped my thoughts and asked again. This time it came up with, 'Ask again later.' I waited a little while, gave it a good re-shaking and asked, 'Is Capitol going to screw us again?' The 8-Ball was a little more specific this time when it said, 'Signs point to yes.' Of course I wasn't satisfied so I asked again one last time... Very slowly and very clearly. Imagine my surprise when this time, the little icosahedron inside the 8-Ball actually came up with, 'Of course Capitol are gonna screw you, Jackass! You guys don't even exist over there!' I was amazed that the Magic 8-Ball even had that answer as an option! Who knew?"

Q: Dave, in your book you labeled one of the major reasons for not killing yourself was being creative. (Reference to a film I made back then.) What would you recommend to us who aren't financially successful in our creative endeavors? What's the point of creating if no one cares? What's the reason for self expression if there's no one to express it too?

Navarro: "The point is to create. The point is to express yourself, even if it's only to yourself, and learn from it and explore those inner places and parts that are uncharted emotional territories... To have the courage to look inward and see what's below the surface, to the heart of who we really are. Nobody ever saw the film I was working on that made me want to keep going, but the fact that I was in the process of self-discovery was enough for me. Creativity can help us make peace with ourselves as well as fuel our demons, which I suppose is one of the many things that makes the process so exciting and important."

Go to this location to check out the complete Q&A; session. Click here to check out the latest Camp Freddy Radio podcast.

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