Former MEGADETH Guitarist KIKO LOUREIRO To Release New Solo Single This Friday - "Soon The Full Album Will Be Out"

September 25, 2024, a month ago

news kiko loureiro ex-megadeth riff notes

Former MEGADETH Guitarist KIKO LOUREIRO To Release New Solo Single This Friday - "Soon The Full Album Will Be Out"

Former Megadeth guitarist Kiko Loureiro has shared the following message with his fans:

"In Brazil, things were never easy. Being a professional musician felt like defying the odds. The market was small compared to others, with hardly any places or clubs to perform. Instruments were scarce, often of poor quality, and lessons or books were out of reach. 

Looking back, compared to what we have today, it was a harsh environment to thrive in musically.

I still remember my first instrument, borrowed from my aunt, and a few years later, my first electric guitar—a black SG copy—hooked up to a single Boss Super Overdrive pedal and a small amp. At the start, I had only the guitar, no amp or pedal, and it took nearly a year before I could afford both. My first professional guitar came from a smuggler. I met him in a parking lot, holding $800 in a bag, afraid of being robbed.

When you practice guitar and feel the struggle of becoming a better player, to play the way you dream, with the gear you long for, it seems like an endless battle. But let me tell you, it’s possible. It’s a journey of daily dedication, perseverance, grit, discipline, and hours spent in the woodshedding process. 

The results come gradually, with immense rewards. And yes, the opportunities to play and upgrade your gear will come too.

This Friday, I’m releasing the second single from my new album, and soon the full album will be out! I can hardly express how grateful I am for this journey and for everyone who has supported me along the way."

Kiko recently shared his new single, "Out Of Nothing". He followed up with a playthrough video, which can be viewed below. Guitar tabs are available for free here.

Says Kiko: "My new single 'Out Of Nothing' emerges not from a plan but from the mystery of creation itself. When I compose, I do not think, nor do I theorize - I let my hands glide over the fretboard, as if they already know the way, discovering paths, rejecting others, always searching for the feeling that satisfies, even for a moment.

"'Out Of Nothing' kicks off with a bold tritone interval - “Diabolus in Musica,” that notorious interval known for its tension. It’s a simple, direct statement that immediately shifts the key, setting up a dynamic riff alternating between A and D with their tritones. The intensity ramps up with 16th notes that launch the track into high gear.

"The verse is simple, almost baroque in its harmony. A Tonic and Dominant, Am to E7, arpeggiated with hybrid picking over the rhythm of Baião, a syncopation from the northeastern reaches of Brazil. The original music from this area also incorporates many arpeggiated themes from European heritage.

"And then, bringing contrast, the chromatic lines arrive to challenge this basic cadence, introducing the mediant progression—Am to Fm.

"For the chorus, I take things up a notch, moving to the fifth degree and playing with the tension between E major and minor, As I didn’t feel the chorus should be completely happy and uplifting.

"In the middle of the song, I let the existing elements repeat, develop, and transform, as one might do in a symphony or a sonata. The arpeggios return, expanding the baroque spirit, and then, unexpectedly, nylon strings echo from a distant past. Before long, the tritone chord progression returns, but now with more complex lines and a mix of techniques.

"But I will not leave you lost. The verse and chorus return, as familiar as old friends. For in this song, though I take you far, I am careful never to lose you entirely.

"Check it out, and let me know what you think!"

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