GAMMA RAY - "It Seems Like Things Have Become Much Better For Metal"

March 8, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news gamma ray recently caught up with GAMMA RAY frontman Kai Hansen to discuss the band#s new album, Land Of The Free II. The following is an excerpt from the interview:

Q: Besides the musical similarities to Part I, lyrically are there any connections to the first one?

Hansen: "Well, there are some connections. You know, you find some phrases, some words, some parts of the story again, which again, if you take for instance the song 'Rebellion In Dreamland' it starts with a certain specific scene. Like, somebody sitting somewhere on a seashore, you know and hearing those voices in a way, or being compelled to walk on and do something and stuff like that. On the second part, the last song is 'Insurrection' which actually kind of starts and ends with the same situation in a way. This is like, they’re small connections, but still it’s a bit different. While Part 1. was kind of a little story line in there over a certain character going on a journey or on a search for something and now it’s more a loose compilation of songs that all deal with the theme freedom seen from various perspectives."

Q: Do you see your band and style of metal getting more recognition over here in North America in say the past five to seven years or does it seem elusive to be accepted and to get more mainstream acceptance in metal here in North America?

Hansen: "Well, I don’t think it’s not possible because I see it has become better because I know for many years it’s like the States, forget it. It’s like when people ask 'Why don’t you tour the States or what’s happening there?' I say 'Forget it', there’s nothing happening there with our kind of metal except for a few people scattered across the country. Not only a few, but some thousands it should’ve been, but you never knew where they were and they were scattered. So now it seems like things have become much better for metal and not only the new metal thing, as well for classic metal. I see there’s bands like Dragonforce that have a real good success. We’re not talking about millions sellers here, but for a metal band from Europe, hey, respect. It’s pretty cool."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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