GREAT WHITE Singer Jack Russell - "I Definitely Want To Do Another Solo Record"

February 24, 2008, 16 years ago

news rock hard great white

GREAT WHITE singer Jack Russell spoke to Sweden's Metal Shrine recently about a number of topics. Here are a few excerpts from the chat:

What was it like getting the guys back into the studio and working together again?

Russell: "You know, it was just like old times. It wasn´t really anything that was a big strain or stress or anything that took years in the making. It was like a couple of phone calls and everybody said 'Yeah, let´s do it!' I think the time was right. We´re coming up on our 25th anniversary and it was feeling like it was time for another record. And doing a record with anybody besides these gentlemen just didn't seem to make any sense to me."

Did everybody bring something to the recording of the album?

Russell: "Oh yeah! It may not be so much per se, let's say the drummer walks in and says 'Here´s some guitar chords I wrote,' but I mean, we all add to the band and make the sound what it is. The primary writers have always been myself and Michael and Mark doing some degree of that and that´s just the way it´s been. But everybody definitely adds their influences and stuff."

The album sounds good and I think you've come up with a great sound of old and new Great White. Was that a thought you had, that you wouldn´t try to make a modern, hip record?

Russell: "You know, this band has always been that way. We don't really sit there and try to see what's in vogue and listen to the radio and go 'Oh, we need to write this! We need to be grunge' or anything. We just write what we like to write and I still like the same kind of music I liked growing up. Great White is what Great White is! Good, bad, like it or don't like it! It´s just a rock and roll band and we´ve never tried to make anything but that. We just wanna have fun and play the songs I like. If I would go out there and sing rap to make millions of dollars, I would be... like screw it! I would rather work on cars. It´s kind of selfish, but music to me... I have to like it first. I´m the one that's got to sing it and if I don't believe in it, what´s the fucking point?"

Ok. What´s in the future now? After the tour is done, are you gonna make any more albums?

Russell: "Yeah, absolutely! I'm planning on hopefully get back into the studio in 2009 and I've got a couple of projects that I want to do. I definitely want to do another solo record. I've got a project I'm doing with Michael (Lardie), some '60's and '70's stuff, a BEATLES thing I'm working on that I'm gonna put out with some other musicians. I'll probably keep as busy as I can and just sing as much as I can until I can't sing anymore."

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