GREAT WHITE Videos On iTunes

November 6, 2007, 16 years ago

news rock hard great white

GREAT WHITE have issued the following update:

"Heads up to those among you with video iPods - two Great White videos have just popped up in the iTunes store . 'Once Bitten, Twice Shy' and 'Rock Me' are available for purchase at $1.99 each. Perhaps we can hope that if these two sell in good numbers that more videos will be posted, so grab them now and let iTunes know we want more and soon! Open iTunes and go to the iTunes store. Search the Music Videos section for Great White."

Great White's latest album, Back To The Rhythm, was released in North America on July 17th. The record - which also marks Great White's 25th Anniversary - featured original band members Jack Russell (vocals), Mark Kendall (lead Guitar), Audie Desbrow (drums), Michael Lardie (Guitar/keyboards) and Sean McNabb (bass).

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