JACKYL Frontman JESSE JAMES DUPREE Contributes To The Booze, Bets And Sex That Built America On History Channel
June 12, 2022, 2 years ago
Earlier this evening, June 12th, The History Channel premiered its new series - The Booze, Bets And Sex That Built America. The three-part nonfiction program divulges surprising origin stories of the American alcohol, gambling, sex and tobacco industries and the ambitiously notorious entrepreneurs who built some of history's biggest fortunes on the nation's cravings. Each two-hour episode is packed with scintillating historical facts, riveting drama, expert interviews and compelling characters who operate on both sides of the law.
Serving as one of the narrators is Jackyl frontman, founder of Jesse James Bourbon, and proprietor of Jesse James Spirits, Jesse James Dupree. Three preview clips can be enjoyed below.
To learn more about Jesse James Spirits, visit this location. You must be 21 or older to enter the website.