MINSTRELIX Guitarist Launches Instrumental Side-Project THE FINAL ELYSION; Audio Samples Available

December 9, 2009, 14 years ago

the final elysion news minstrelix riff notes

Guitarist Takao, founder of Japanese - American "dramatic speed metal band" MINSTRELIX has launched a new instrumental side-project, THE FINAL ELYSION. More details will be revealed soon, two audio samples are available at this location.

As previously reported, MinstreliX released their new mini-album, Reflections, in Japan via Black Listed Records back in March 2009. BW&BK; recently caught up with Lola, an excerpt from the interview is available below.

“Takao wrote music for Visual Kei (Japanese gothic rock) for years – he was really into Malice Mizer for a while – until he decided he wanted to do metal,” says Lola. “His major inspiration to take up metal was listening to Dark Moor, so I think that is were the neo-classical stuff comes from. It’s interesting that you mention Blackmore’s Night because Takao is also a fan of them (laughs). though. After discovering them, he decided to quit the Visual Kei scene and started writing metal. Takao has also studied classical guitar and knows his music theory. I think he just likes so many different kinds of music that he didn’t want to leave anything out when he was writing songs for MinstreliX.”

Go to this location for the complete story. Click here for Reflections audio samples.

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