MONSTER MAGNET's Bob Pantella On His RIOTGOD Project - "It's Definitely An Equal Shared Venture"

April 4, 2011, 13 years ago

hot flashes news monster magnet riotgod

The Great Southern Brainfart's Don de Leaumont has issued an interview with drummer Bob Pantella of RIOTGOD, MONSTER MAGNET, ATOMIC BITCHWAX. The following is an excerpt:

Q: The metal world is full of genre tags like thrash, death, grindcore, etc. I’ve heard people lump Riotgod into the “stoner metal” genre. Are you guys comfortable with being placed into a genre like that?

A: "Eh, it’s not stoner rock. Not that I have anything against stoner rock. I love stoner rock but I really hate all those sub genres. To me it’s just hard rock. It’s not metal. Just hard rock."

Q: My head swims when I hear all of these sub genres. I’m not old but probably 90% of these sub genres didn’t exist when I was a teenager.

A: "Exactly. Look at THE WHO. Back in the day they considered themselves a pop band."

Q: 2/4 of Riotgod also perform in Monster Magnet. How does playing in Riotgod compare or differ from playing in Monster Magnet?

A: "Well now ¾ of Riotgod is Monster Magnet so not very much [laughs]. No, it’s really a different thing especially because the singer is different. It’s a different energy with one guitar in the band so that’s a different, more free feel live."

Q: Do you have more creative freedom in Riotgod than in Monster Magnet?

A: "Absolutely. Monster Magnet is Dave’s (Wyndorf; guitarist/singer). In Riotgod we all write and it’s more of a band kind of thing. It’s definitely an equal shared venture."

Read the full interview at this location.

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