NORTHTALE Guitarist BILL HUDSON Confirms New Singer Has Been Found - "We Are Working On The New Songs; He Has Delivered Insanely Amazing Vocals"
October 3, 2020, 4 years ago
Last year, Swedish-American power metal supergroup Northtale released their successful debut album, Welcome To Paradise via Nuclear Blast. They recently announced the departure of their singer Christian Eriksson, but have now checked in with the news they have found his replacement.
"We have selected a singer. He has already been hired and we are working on the new songs. He has delivered insanely amazing vocals to 11+ songs and me (Bill Hudson) and him spend hours a day chatting via video working on lyrics and melodies. There. Happy now?!
No, we won't tell you who he is. That's not how this works. We're supposed to lead you on for months and ignore all the suggestions and guesses. Then at one point we'll put up a dumb countdown, and at the end of it we'll post a video of him singing something. Then you'll all go 'Wooaaaaah, that's so fucking amazing." The people who know him will post about how it's their buddy, and they always knew this would happen for him. Then our new album will drop shortly after. But yeah... we do have a singer! And everybody in our team knows who he is. Except you!"
Following is Hudson's original statement on Eriksson's departure:
"As if 2020 couldn’t get any more weird, we have to officially announce that Christian Eriksson is no longer a part of Northtale. 'Musical differences' seem to be the go-to reason you read on statements when bands part ways with members. This does apply to this situation, although it is just the tip of the iceberg. We have dealt with several issues from the beginning, just like with every band, but we’ve been able to work through most of it rather smoothly. However, when it came time for the writing of the new album, it became clear that Christian and I did not want the same thing, and were no longer seeing eye to eye on basically anything. Several attempts were made to mend the situation, but at the end of the day, we could not reach an agreement.
Christian was relieved from his duties from the band back in February. Since then, we have kept quiet about the matter, while auditioning some of the best vocalists in the world, hoping to find a suitable replacement before having to drop the bomb on the fans. This process is now nearing its completion and we are down to my favourite two candidates, both of which are amazing vocalists with solid careers in the genre. I will forever be grateful to Christian for his contributions on our debut album. He truly is a master vocalist and one of my favorite singers of all time. I wish him the best in his future endeavors.
We would like to thank Christian for his time in the band. In a weird way, the fans will actually benefit from this, as they now will have a new project to listen to, also featuring Christian's amazing voice, and perhaps even with some Northtale members, so be on the lookout for that!"