SHADOWS FALL - Updates From The Studio

November 6, 2006, 17 years ago

hot flashes news shadows fall

SHADOWS FALL vocalist Brian Fair posted the following journal entry on their official website earlier today:

"Week One:

Today begins our six week relocation to the West Coast to begin work on the new album. I am heading out a day earlier then the rest of the band to get settled in our new apartments and re-adjust to a new time zone. I had a great flight and had my own row of seats on a packed flight. I have figured out a little trick to keeping people who are flying stand-by from taking the empty seat next to me. I just lounge out and put my hair in the seat next to me so it looks like I am traveling with Cousin It. They usually take one look and head back to sit next to the screaming baby.

Arrived in LA wih no problems and headed out to check into our new apartments. Unfortunately the office where you check in was closed by the time I arrived and I was left standing around with my luggage. After a few desperate calls to managers and label peeps I was saved by a security guard who opened up the office and took it on good faith that I was supposed to be there. Home sweet home.

I don't understand how you west coast football fans do it. It is Sunday morning at 10 AM and I am sitting in bed drinking a Budweiser eating nachos and watching football. I normally know what time it is based on what is on ESPN or what game is on. Now my internal clock is all fucked up, my stomach is pissed and I am drunk before noon. The rest of the boys rolled in around 11PM and I had already made two trips to the 7-11 to replace the beer that I had bought for their arrival. At least the Pats beat the Jets.

Heading to the studio for the first time. The label has rented us a HUGE sketchy ass white van for our time out here so we are straight pimpin. Smashing off mirrors up and down Topanga Canyon kid!!

We arrived at Studio 606 around noon and meet up with Nick (producer), Fig (engineer), Lou (jack of all trades) and John (drum tech) and began to sort out all the gear we had shipped and started to set up the drums. The 606 is amazing. The control room is huge and super comfortable and the tracking room is like a cathedral. I wandered around to check out the scene and came upon the single greatest pinball game of all time: The Addams Family. Also down the hall there is an old school Tempest and Donkey Kong Junior, and the best part .. NO QUARTERS NEEDED. I am in arcade heaven. High scores are serious business around here and the competition has only begun.

The drums are up and they have been getting sounds all day. The amount of microphones on the kit is un-friggin-real. They sound HUGE. We spent some time working out tempos for a few tunes then Matt and Jon layed down some reference guitar tracks for Jay to play along with. Jay got right down to business and started killing it. Things are off to a great start.

Jason has been ripping through three or four tunes a day a getting us ahead of schedule!! Looks like a day off this week. Plenty of time to soak up some sun and get adjusted to LA living. Leave it to Matt and Jon to find the only bar withing walking distance of our apartments. 34 ounce beers in walking distance plus Matt and Jon equals dangerous. I doubt the people at Yankee Doodle's Sports Bar know what they are getting into. Like the pinball machine at the studio, the air hockey table at the Doodle has continued our pursuit of dominance in all sports that aren't really sports. In a surprise upset, the former reigning east coast champion, the mighty Mud Turtle, has been dethroned by the young upstart MC Dog X. This issue is far from settle however as The Rock Concert Man has them both in his sights, even if he sees double and Shifty Laroo is lurking in the shadows. But as it stands now MC Dog X holds both the air hockey and pinball titles. Something has got to give.

Jason is playing like a friggin machine. It looks like he is going to blaze through the drum tracks in the first week. We still have one tune that we need to jam out and finalize, but so far it looks like he is going to be finished soon. Nick has gotten amazing drum sounds and has made some great suggestions to get the most out of Jay's playing. This is the first time that most of us have been around while Jay tracked and I think it has been a huge help to make sure all of the parts are going to link and all of the accents are caught. I am getting very excited about these tunes as they begin to come together. Full steam ahead.

This weekend we headed out to a club in Reseda called Paladino's to catch The Iron Maidens, an all female Maiden cover band. They killed it!! Not only did they rip through the hits we all expected, they went deep into the Maiden catalog and whipped out some unexpected jems. Good times indeed. I tried not to drink too much to make sure I am up at 10AM tomorrow for more football. Damn.

Sunday was more football and beer but unfortunately a Patriots loss. Why cant they beat the friggin Broncos? It makes no sense.

This has been a great first week and an amazing start to the record. Next week we will wrap up drums and get started on guitars. I'll keep ya posted.

Week Two:

We began the week by finishing off the remaining drum tracks of all the tunes that we had locked down. Jay really stepped it up on this record and palyed his ass off.

Nick set up a little jam session in the room with Jay's drums so we good jam on a few unfinished ideas we had. We had some brutal riffs for an intro piece that is now slowly evolving into a song. This shit is nasty! Some of the slower and heavier moments in the history of Shadows Fall. We were trying to figure out a way to end it when Matt has his body taken over by the spirit of Kurt from Crowbar when this doom riff from hell fell right out of his ass. Damn. That was exactly what we needed. We tracked it a few minutes are the final arrangement was written without click tracks with the band playing live with Jay to give it a real live feel with some killer groove. Nicey.

Once we wrapped up the drums, we switched into guitar mode. After millions of potential guitar amp combinations we got some unreal rhythm guitar sounds. It is kinda of a combination of the live tone that Matt and Jon use with some ballsy ass layers to give it some depth and added thickness.

This week is getting guitarded. A whole lot o thrash is going down at Studio 606! We are recording the guitars very organically this time without a lot of pro tools editing to give the record a real nice feel. It is a lot of work but it is definitely worth it in the end. It is nice to hear these songs begin to take on life. It is also nice to know that while they are slaving away at the studio, I have plenty of time to spend in the hot tub at the condo and making my way through Saints Row on the XBox 360.

On Friday night Mastodon rolled into town for a sold out show in LA with Converge and The Bronx. It was a killer show and by this pointed I needed a night out away from the studio and condo. We got a chance to rage with some good friends and run up a nice bar tab with our label reps.

On Saturday we went out to dinner with our manager and A&R; rep from the label at some high end steak house (great for the vegetarian .. thanks guys) near our condo. Watching them have to valet park our giant sketchy white van next to all the Mercedes and BMWs was worth the trip alone. I think they thought we were delivering shit to the kitchen. After pounding lots of vodka while the rest of the guys devoured expensive steaks, I noticed none other the Luke "The Godfather" Wilson working it by the bar. Nicey.

At the end of the week, miraculously nothing has changed in either the pinball or air hockey standings!!! How does the Dog do it? Shit is heating up and heading towards a serious all out throwdown.

The Pats crushed the Bengals but I was stuck watching some awful games on the west coast stations. Wack. Thank God for Sports Center. Starting to enjoy this beer and nachos instead of coffee and cereal on Sundays."

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