STRYPER Announce Holiday Hangout Live Online Chat

December 13, 2020, 3 years ago

news stryper heavy metal

STRYPER Announce Holiday Hangout Live Online Chat

Christian metallers Sryper have checked in with a new announcement:

"Join the four band members on December 22 at 8pm EST in this behind-the-scenes hang-out where they catch up, talk about Christmas, memorable holidays from the past, their special Christmas traditions, favorite Christmas songs, and interact with you via the chat board.

Also, get a sneak peek as to what's coming up for the band in 2021. This will be the last time this year the four band members are together virtually, and it'll be a great uplifting way to head into Christmas. It's free for Patreon members. Join now at and be part of this special Holiday Hang-Out with Stryper.

And speaking of Christmas, if you don't have your tickets yet for Michael's 5th Annual Christmas Show on December 19, be sure to get those here."

Stryper recently launched a Patreon page here. They have checked in with the following update:

"Thank you to everyone who has joined or will join in the coming days our Patreon page! Your support via this new platform where we share important information about the band and band members helps the band survive during the pandemic until we can start touring again!  

While the band is a 'ministry', it is also the source of income for each of us and is also a business. At Patreon, we will be sharing information there about new products FIRST (so that YOU have first shot, before we post to the general public), plus we will provide videos and other info that will NOT be shared to social media. Here is what we ask in return:  PLEASE do not share or copy information posted there to social media before we do, let's keep that info between US. We know you might mean well in sharing information that you have found online or at Patreon with others, but sharing before we do really hurts the band financially.

If you haven't heard this month's Stryper Podcast on our website, please give it a listen. Matt gave a great explanation about how the band earns money via touring and product sales only and how this provides a living for our families. The band doesn't earn money when not on the road, so we offer special products, vinyl offerings and now Patreon. We can assure you that we are not trying to gouge or take advantage of fans during the pandemic. It is quite the opposite; we are trying to survive it, just the same as you and your family. All of this is to help us make it through until we can tour again maybe next year. Again, we really appreciate your support!

We are praying for you and your families as we endure these unprecedented times and we thank you for your prayers for us as well!"

Check out the November 2020 edition of the official Stryper podcast here.

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