Ten Metal Songs You Never Need To Hear Again - "For Various Reasons And Mostly Because Of Other People"

December 29, 2009, 14 years ago

hot flashes news

Keith Carman at Exclaim.ca has compiled a list of the Ten Metal Songs You Never Need To Hear Again. The introduction to the rogue's gallery is below:

"Before the hate mail starts rolling in, a preface:

These songs are fucking awesome. To us devout metalheads, the songs below have not only shaped this wonderful musical genre and its various sub-categories but also our lives. They rock, they roll and they're just plain cool.

Unfortunately, because they're wicked, they've also been so over-played since their original release, and never hearing them again is almost too soon. The true essence of their greatness is lost from the quality-versus-quantity argument. The more you hear them, the less attention you truly pay to them.

Not only that but a lot of these tunes have become synonymous with their creators and vice versa. It's their one hit outside of the metal community. Therefore, whenever the notion of playing/discussing/aping them comes about, it's the first thing gravitated towards. Kind of like Kraft and peanut butter or Michael Jackson and pre-teens. The fact that more non-metal people think they're even slightly anodized because they know these songs is particularly aggravating.

At that, here are Ten Metal Songs You Never Need to Hear Again, for various reasons and mostly because of other people."

Go to this location for the complete list and comments, which features the likes of IRON MAIDEN, JUDAS PRIEST and BLACK SABBATH.

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