Vocalist GABBIE RAE On Rise To Fame - "I Give So Much Credit To MICHAEL SWEET For This"

November 24, 2014, 10 years ago

news gabbie rae michael sweet hard rock

Vocalist GABBIE RAE On Rise To Fame - "I Give So Much Credit To MICHAEL SWEET For This"

Photo by Adam Hendershott Photography


Sixteen year-old rock newcomer Gabbie Rae recently spoke with BraveWords scribe Carl Begai about her rise to fame within the rock and metal community. An excerpt from the story is available below:

Gabbie Rae: "I met (Stryper frontman) Michael Sweet when I was 10 years old. Stryper played the House Of Blues in Myrtle Beach and I was at the show with my parents. I was holding up this huge Stryper sign and he saw it, and after the show security came over and said Michael Sweet had invited us backstage. We met and I told him I was a singer, and I ended up singing a song for the guys backstage. That was the first time I met him; it was like a movie (laughs). I kept seeing him over the years and we became friends. About a year-and-a-half ago he invited me to sing ‘Always There For You’ with him and Oz Fox at an acoustic show at the Whisky (in Los Angeles), so of course I said yes. I did the song and there was an industry person in the audience that was connecetd to Michael and is now connected to me. If it hadn’t been for that night I doubt I’d be where I am right now. I wouldn’t have been on the cruise, I wouldn’t have gotten to know Todd La Torre, I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing. I give so much credit to Michael Sweet for this.”

Go to this location for the complete story.

Gabbie Rae recently released a new single entitled "Scream". The official video for the track is now available and can be viewed below:

Queensrÿche vocalist Todd La Torre recently spoke with BraveWords about Gabbie Rae and he offered the following:

"Gabbie Rae is a rising star in her own right and has continued to garner respectable attention among her peers, which include some of the biggest names in rock history. We've talked about doing some collaborative songwriting together in the future, I've got some of my own original material that her voice would really bring to life with her tone and texture. It's wonderful to see her talent inspire so many people through her music, I truly believe in her."

For information and updates on Gabbie Rae go to her official website here.

Learn how to get your song on itunes at ReverbNation.com

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