Vocalist TED POLEY Reflects On DANGER' DANGER's Success - "We Didn't Have As Long Of A Run As People Think"

April 30, 2022, 2 years ago

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Vocalist TED POLEY Reflects On DANGER' DANGER's Success - "We Didn't Have As Long Of A Run As People Think"

Vocalist Ted Poley (Tokyo Motor Fist, Danger Danger) is featured in a new interview with 80's Glam Metalcast. Check it out below.

On Tokyo Motor Fist and playing recent shows with Ace Frehley 

Poley: "It was so much fun. Ace was great. He is one of my heroes…I had him sign my 1978 KISS doll. We’ve been kicking ass with Tokyo Motor Fist. We did our first album a few years back, initially for money to be honest. The album charted and we toured the world with it. Then we did a second album. We Iove it, it’s probably one of the most favorite things I’ve ever done. It’s pretty cool that something new like that is being accepted."

On his history with Steve Brown (Trixter)

Poley: "When I first got famous like in the 1950’s, I knew Steve Brown and the guys. I grew up in Paramus, NJ, same place the Trixter guys are from. When I got signed and first got on MTV with 'Naughty Naughty', these unsigned little kids would come over to my apartment and I would hold court. They would ask me what it’s like to be famous...I would say 'I don’t know!' I still had that new fame smell. Then they took off and it was really cool. So I’ve know him well over 30 years. Working with Steve has been amazing, he’s one of the most talented guys in the world. He actually subs in Danger Danger, so sometimes I’m his boss and in Tokyo Motor Fist, he’s my boss!" 

On the current status of Danger Danger 

Poley: "You never know. It would be a surprise even to me. I have a red Danger Danger phone in my house; if it lights up, I know that means there’s a trip to Japan coming! We are laying low, doing our own things. I know if something good comes along, the guys will ring the hotline." 

About their 1989 debut and the oversaturated metal market that year 

Poley: "It’s never too much. I wish it was like that today. It was great. We came out right at the end, right about a quarter to grunge. We had 15 minutes left and we got to the ballad. That separates us from the Warrants and the Firehouses. Those guys are platinum and I pretty much mow their lawns. The ballad never came out and the label thought it was time to grow goatees and put a flannel on. The label tossed us out right before it was time to get the fabulous gifts and prizes. We didn’t have as long of a run as people think. If we could have got out a year earlier, it could have been even more fabulous than it what it turned out to be. No complaints, thanks to everyone because I still get to live out my dream!" 

Doing "I Just Can’t Wait" Eric Carr for the Unfinished Business album 

Poley: "He was so nice. I didn’t get to finish that until after he passed. I actually got asked by his sister to complete it. I got to co-write a song with him, but he never got to hear it. It’s one of the coolest things I got to do, and one of the saddest."

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