RED HARVEST - Cold Dark Matter
August 17, 2000, 24 years ago
(Nocturnal Art Productions)
Norway's answer to Godflesh? Well seeing that Red Harvest have been kicking around for quite some time, this is my first encounter with these apocalyptic industrial mongers and I must say that they made quite an impression, especially seeing that this style isn't my forte. Sure some moments from Godflesh's Streetcleaner and Ministry's The Mind and Psalm 69 surface, but Red Harvest are heavy: very heavy and very extreme in character. Opening track 'Omnipotent' sure seems like an understatement, with the pounding apocalyptic rhythms pulsating away in fury while an experimental edge takes on diabolical form, creating an industrial mechanistic nightmare. Quite the venture indeed, Red Harvest have created a stirring piece of work that can easily appeal to fans of metal and other extreme forms of music.