INACAGE To Complete Latest Recording Sessions This Weekend

October 7, 2009, 14 years ago

hot flashes news inacage

Tony Pereda, bassist/vocalist from San Francisco-based metallers INACAGE has issued the following update:

"These last few weeks have been kinda brutal. With taking on the vocals due to our singer taking time off to spend with her ill mother (we hope she gets well fast!) as well as other reasons I will leave disclosed to yesterdays car accident that me and my daughter were in. We are fine but my PT Cruiser got pretty thrashed and is now currently in the body shop. It was also 14 years since my grandmother passed away on October 1st and a very good friend of mine who was also the singer in my old band passing away as well four days later. Talk about a double whammy from opposite ends of the spectrum. A grandmother who had lived a full life and a bro who had his whole life ahead of him! Miss you! R.I.P We will be finishing up our recording sessions this weekend and I hope to gather all this emotion I have had and put it into some positive energy for some sick vocal tracks!"

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