THE GREAT COMMISSION Reveal New Album Details

April 25, 2011, 13 years ago

hot flashes news the great commission

Southern-California based THE GREAT COMMISSION has announced that they will be releasing their second full length album, entitled Heavy Worship, through Ain't No Grave Records (ANGR) on July 12th.

Vocalist Justin Singh had this to say: "It has been over 2 years since we have released a new album and we are blessed that it will be with a record label that shares our same vision and purpose. With our new album we didn't want to fall into the same old Christian metal/hardcore cliché. We wanted to create a new genre; something that was Worship driven, more than just music. We wanted it to be just as heavy spiritually as it was musically, that's how Heavy Worship was born."

Guitarist Angela Razo said: "This is the heaviest, most anointed music we have written yet. This album sums up 2 years of writing and planning. We are ready to take this world by storm."

The Great Commission recorded their second full length album with Andrew P. Glover (SLEEPING GIANT, WINDS OF PLAGUE, QOLF CITY) in Rancho Cucamonga, CA at Sound Temple Studio.

Andrew had the following to say: "Being from Southern California I have been able to see The Great Commission go from a promising up and coming band to a national force to be reckoned with. I had the pleasure of getting to work on very early versions of these songs a year ago and I was ecstatic when the band asked me if I would produce and engineer their ANGR debut. This was, undoubtedly, the most taxing recording experience I have ever been a part of. Due to all of our relentless touring schedules we were forced to fit a record that should've taken a month and fit it into just over a week of recording which is something that I think everyone thought would be an impossible feat. With the aid of a few hundred dollars worth of Rockstar and a ton of determination on all of our parts we were able to finish just in time with the record that will define what the Great Commission has become and will help them forge forward in the future as leaders in both the Christian and secular scenes."

The Great Commission will also be appearing this summer on Scream The Prayer alongside NORMA JEAN, AUGUST BURNS RED, THE CHARIOT and more.

More on The Great Commission at this location.

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