BravePicks 2017 - OBITUARY's Obituary #5

December 27, 2017, 7 years ago

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BravePicks 2017 - OBITUARY's Obituary #5

Another gruelling year of heavy metal mastery is almost over! And all the votes are in and the compiling is complete! It's time to celebrate the winners and call out the not-so winners! So who will be our #1? You’ll find out as we count down the BravePick Of 2017 throughout December! And once again our devout scribes put their collective metal minds together to build the ultimate lists including individual Top 20s (new studio albums ONLY),  Top 5 Brave Embarrassments, Top 3 Concerts, What/Who Needs To Stop In 2018? and Metal Predictions For 2018. All will be showcased come the New Year!

'Tis the season to commence the good, bad and ugly of 2017! Let’s rock!

BravePicks 2017

5) OBITUARY – Obituary (Relapse)

No need to get fancy with the title. Obituary’s self-titled death destroyer wowed us all when released back in March showing a refreshed approach to the Floridian’s ways and it couldn’t have turned out better. It’s an unpretentious approach of death metal with the band sounding as new and unfiltered as they’ve had on their earlier releases. It’s fun, it’s exciting, and makes you want to bang your head for days! Great job boys!

The BW review held high praise for this death metal feast reading, “Along with the latest Immolation album, this newest Obituary is a welcomed change of pace from the all-noodle-no-brutal approach favored by many of today's modern death metal bands. Let the Obituary of today stand as a lesson in death metal class, poise, and wizardry... all-brutal-fuck-your-noodle!”

Drummer Donald Tardy took BW into the mindset of writing songs in a feature story saying, “Obituary doesn’t think about what direction we are going in, we just go. We let the songs find us. We aren’t that band that just sits around and thinks about what we did last time and what we need to do this time. Now we have Ken Andrews and Terry (Butler) in the band now. Trevor, myself and my brother (John) have always been the main song writers in this band. We allowed Terry and Kenny to come in and give us some ideas and tips. Whenever Trevor and I came up with song ideas and riffs, those dudes gave us their opinions. We took it a little further and Ken and I got together, one-on-one, and write two songs on this album. Ken has a song called ‘No Hope’, and another song called ‘End It Now’. Those are Ken’s songs. That’s a big deal because Ken has only been in the band for about three years. That was a new approach, but like I said, we are comfortable in our skin. Obituary is Obituary. I would never want to change it. Fans buy Obituary albums ‘cause they know it’s going to sound like Obituary. The excitement and energy comes from how good we are getting along now. Even at 47, 48, 49-years-old we are having fun. Dude, we are having a blast and it shows with these new songs.”

(Photo by: Ester Segarra)

BravePicks 2017 Top 30

5) OBITUARY - Obituary (Relapse)
6) THRESHOLD - Legends Of The Shires (Nuclear Blast)
7) WEDNESDAY 13 - Condolences (Nuclear Blast)
8) COMMUNIC - Where Echoes Gather (AFM)
9) STONE SOUR - Hydrograd (Roadrunner)
10) EUROPE - Walk The Earth (Hell & Back)
11) ARCH ENEMY – Will To Power (Century Media)
12) IMMOLATION - Atonement (Nuclear Blast)
13) ACCEPT - The Rise Of Chaos (Nuclear Blast) 
14) PRONG - Zero Days (Steamhammer / SPV)
15) AYREON – The Source (InsideOut)
16) CANNIBAL CORPSE - Red Before Black (Metal Blade)
17) ANNIHILATOR - For The Demented (Silver Lining) 
18) DECAPITATED - Anticult (Nuclear Blast) 
19) GRAVE DIGGER - Healed By Metal (Napalm)
20) WITCHERY - I Am Legion (Century Media)
21) CAVALERA CONSPIRACY - Psychosis (Napalm)
22) MOONSPELL - 1755 (Napalm)
23) L.A. GUNS - The Missing Peace (Frontiers)
24) SEPULTURA - Machine Messiah (Nuclear Blast)
25) JAG PANZER - The Deviant Chord (SPV)
26) GOATWHORE - Vengeful Ascension (Metal Blade)
27) FIRESPAWN - The Reprobate (Century Media)
28) FIREWIND - Immortals (AFM)
29) VENOM INC. – Avé (Nuclear Blast)
30) THE HAUNTED - Strength In Numbers (Century Media)

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